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Saturday, 26 January 2019

FOCUS: Goals

The race in this New Year is no longer new. We are already enjoying God’s blessings for the year. And blessed are we among all creations!

In the previous article (check I illustrated the importance to focus on what is right before us instead of concentrating on the past that is gone, or the future we don’t know yet. Focus is key. “Where your focus lies” is as important as “what your decisions are”.

Now, let’s talk about our 2019 Goals. I don’t know what goals you’ve set for yourself for this year, but I make bold to tell you that achieving your goals is YOUR responsibility (all things being equal). New Year resolutions have been made; I honestly hope that the same resolutions won’t be “remade” next year. Honestly.

Staying focused on your 2018 goals was hard. In the beginning, you were certainly motivated. But your motivation waned over time. You got caught up, stuck, frustrated, overloaded, overworked, distracted, and you simply just deviated off track. Clearly, it was hard to stay focused when you have so much going on. Right?

Here’s my good news for you: FOCUS on your 2019 goals is POSSIBLE! Just as my friend, Mike Amure, charged me on three different occasions towards the end of last year… I know anything is possible. We are not of them who agonize about the past; we organize for the present. We won’t beat ourselves up for our failures or sit comfortably in our past successes. We will rather pay attention to what’s present right before us and conquer the territories before us.

Friends, Write Down Your Goals. If you haven’t written out your goals, then you’re missing the most important part of effective goal setting. When you don’t write your goals, they stay in the abstract. They’re less real, even if you think they’re as real as they can be. You have to write them down and get very specific about them. 

Friends, Remove Distractions. What were those things that took your attention off your goals last year? Identify them and avoid them as much as you can, even if it means seeking help from “friends”. Remember, if you want to go FAST, you go alone… but if you want FAR, you go with people.

Friends, Become an Effective Manager of your Time. It’s virtually impossible to stay focused on your goals if you can’t manage your time. Become an effective time manager and you’ll see yourself progressing rather than falling behind. Pick a time management system that works and work it. MANAGE “important and urgent” tasks (short-term crises and problems), FOCUS on “important but not urgent” tasks (long-term strategic goals), AVOID “urgent but not important” tasks (distractions and interruptions), and LIMIT “not important and not urgent” tasks (time-wasting activities).

Friends, Strategize. To stay focused on your goals, you need a plan. A plan is what helps move us from the status quo, to achieving our goals over time. Without a plan, we’re like a fish out of water, caught floundering. Usually, we end up failing without a plan. So, if you’re serious about your goals, and you want to stay hyper-focused on achieving them, create a plan.

Friends, Be Disciplined. When Jim Rohn said that “discipline is the bridge between your goals and accomplishment”, he zeroed in on something so important that has the power to shift and alter the state and quality of all our lives. It’s not just the matter of being disciplined for a short period. You have to wield that discipline for long periods if you want to accomplish big goals.

FOCUS, friends. F. O. C. U. S.! 

Thanks for reading!

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