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Thursday, 15 August 2019


In such a country like Nigeria where unemployment is easier to find than employment and almost everyone is underemployed, job vacancies hardly stay on various media of advertisement before people apply in torrents...

Some years back, Dangote PLC reportedly decided to employ graduates and masters degree holders as drivers of their trucks. Well, if that is by any chance true, then we can better understand the depth of the mess of this country. But then, the question is: "Who wouldn't want a better, educated, exposed, and socially sound driver who'll add some class to his business?"

Back to your life, friends... There are some DRIVERS you don't need in your lives. Peradventure they're in charge of the wheels of your life, you need to sack them, take over the wheel, and employ better drivers!

Driver 1: FEAR

Actually, this driver can sometimes be ignorant, or sometimes too knowledgeable... When ignorant, fear beclouds your sense of seeking the needed knowledge. When "knowledgeable", fear feeds on its knowledge of the impossible and blinds you from seeking possibilities.

Fear is a driver that makes you imagine that putting in the effort and not succeeding is a great personal defeat. Fear tells you not to try at all. Fear is a driver that will not permit confidence in the vehicle. He is in parallel lines with confidence, they won't meet. In fact, when you tell FEAR (your driver) to turn to the success highway, he'll tell you that the road is risky... He shows you statistics of accidents on the road but will not show you the overwhelming statistics of success stories recorded.

Friends, if FEAR is your driver, sack him today!


Mr Frustration is a driver that makes you feel like you're the one experiencing the worst thing in life. It even tells you that mosquito bite is a curse on you. Frustration stamps his hands very hard on your car horn so he can create enough noise to disturb your mind. He hates peace... He loves to buy fuel from "Depression Filling Station" so he can get you to the land of failure and untimely death.

Let me paint a funny scenario... "You're a Nigerian, ManUtd fan, student of LAUTECH (oh, I think they striking school no longer strikes #grins), and your girlfriend is ever demanding..." In this kind of situation, instead of helping you make sound decisions for your life,
frustration will drive you to misbehave on all fronts.

Friends, if FRUSTRATION is your driver, sack him today!

Driver 3: ENVY

Mr Envy hates due process... He sees other drivers ahead and instead of seeking to learn how they got there and apply the lessons to his own uniqueness, he will curse them in his heart and/or look for how to overtake them.

Mr Envy doesn't understand that everyone has his own lane in the journey of life. He will tell you that Ronaldo uses charm to win Ballon d'Or. He buys fuel from "Hatred Filling Station" and will readily badmouth people making waves.

Friends, if ENVY is your driver, sack him today!

Driver 4: GUILT

Mr Guilt is the most regressive driver you'll find in the journey of life... He doesn't concentrate on the windscreen; rather he spends most of his travel time on the rear mirror to lament the potholes behind him.

Mr Guilt will hide away your "Forgiveness Certificate" that can help you have a smooth sail. He will remind you how bad you've been in the past and why you don't deserve good journey in life.

Mr Guilt loves to wash your car. No, scrap that... He won't wash the whole car. He will only wash the rear mirrors so he can always give you a clearer view of your terrible past. Guilt will make you naturally feel unmotivated to pursue your daily life. Mr Guilt is not only regressive. He is a wicked reminder of the forgiven past.

Friends, if GUILT is your driver, sack him today!


This guy is supposed to be a good driver... In fact, a perfect one at that... But...!

He will not move because the weather is not clear enough... Or because the bump on the road is yet to be fixed... Or because the traffic light has not been activated...

Mr Perfectionism proves too much knowledge... He loves analyses too much... His own version analyses lead to paralysis. He will tell you one thousand and one reasons why you can't start that mission now, even when there are clear indications that you should move ahead.

As a matter of fact, Mr Perfectionism doesn't respect other people's efforts. He's overly critical of their successes. He's hardly tolerant and expects everyone to be at his level of perfection. When he fails, he doesn't take responsibility. He shifts the blame on other drivers.

Friends, if PERFECTIONISM is your driver, sack him today!

"Who then should be my driver?" I know you will ask... And as your friend, I won't just tell you to sack your driver without telling you who should be your driver. My recommended driver for you has a THREE-FOLD work...

Recommended Driver: FAITH

His three-fold work are:

1. Faith in God:

This gives you the confidence that you have his backing in this journey of life. It reminds you of the total forgiveness God gives you. Faith drives with more trust in God's perfection than yours. He kicks guilt off the lane and gives the much needed peace in the face of frustrations.

2. Faith in Yourself:

Faith makes you believe in your abilities and potentials. He will make you see possibilities in impossibilities. He takes challenges head on instead of shying away from them. Faith tells you plus one reason why you need to go for your dreams and achieve them. Faith tells you that you also deserve to thrive in life.

3. Faith for Growth:

Faith tells you that there's no end to learning, growth, development, and daily nourishment of your total man. He pushes you to learn more and do more. He gives you a better perspective to challenges and failures; and you see them as opportunities to grow. Faith will never tell you to quit; rather he will empower you to reach a safe landing no matter what comes your way.

Thanks for reading. I hope you find this useful.

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