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Thursday, 13 February 2014


The Unread Will The richest man that ever lived wrote a will and instructed his lawyers to read the will on the television, radio, social networks, streets, public buses, cemetery, restaurants etc all over the world. The man further instructed his lawyers to codify the entire will in a single document so that everyone could have access to the will. Finally, the man declared that only those who re…ad the will and claim the assets in it should be given his property which were worth trillions of dollars. The lawyers did exactly as they were commanded. They went everywhere telling the people of every nation and tribe about the man’s will. But the people found the criteria to claim the will just too good to be true. The will was so strange to the hearing of the people that they beat up the lawyers in some places while in other places they were stoned and considered bizarre and insane. On a certain occasion, I met the lawyers and I was given a free copy of the will but I never read it. As I write, I have the will in my cupboard dusty and on my phone but I hardly read it let alone claim it. The unread will is the word of God. The bible is the most widely distributed book in the whole word but ironically many persons don’t read it. And the few who read it never bother to claim their inheritance in God. They bible is the only medicine that can cure all manner of illnesses and diseases only if we would read and claim our inheritance in it. The book of Joshua 1:8 reads “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” Dear father, help me and my friends to read your will so that we can claim our inheritance in you. Amen. Image

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