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Friday 31 January 2014


Some women today think of family life as an unbearable drudgery. Many feminists tell women that they cannot find fulfillment by being wives and mothers, so instead they should leave home and pursue careers. It has gone so far that women who do stay home almost feel inferior and guilty. But Titus 2:4,5 says that young women should be taught “to love their husbands, to love their children, to be … keepers at home.” Surely it is difficult for young mothers to stay at home and lovingly care for their families. It often requires hard work, tears, and many sacrifices. But excelling at anything worthwhile in life takes hard work. Consider the joys and rewards of the job. Psalms 127:3 says: “Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.” What other job produces a final product to compare to that of motherhood: loving children who will someday mature to productive, God-fearing men and women? If women will not sacrifice in their younger years to raise children, they will not have those children and grandchildren to hug their necks, love them, and care for them in their older years. 1 Timothy 5:3,10 says: “Honor widows that…have brought up children…” Years ago, before modern philosophies prevailed, motherhood was an honorable profession. It ought to be the same today. Proverbs 31 includes the following statements: “Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies … Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her” (verses 10,28). Let us show our appreciation for our wives and mothers. Let us speak out for the joys of motherhood. May it again become honorable for a woman to be “a joyful mother of chi1dren” – Psalms 113:9.

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